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La Natura Inquieta/

When I am Laid in Earth ( Dido's Lament ) - Eleonora Betti - Micaela Lattanzio

CORPUS IMAGO - Solo Show- Micaela Lattanzio (curated by Alessia Carlino at Emmetto Gallery)

Directed film by Micaela Lattanzio


Eleonora Betti performing H. Purcell "When I am Laid in Earth" (Dido's Lament)

Andrea Battaglini (Shooting and Editing)



-We will return to the earth as from the dreamtime we will be arousing, in a constant cycle between light and shadow. In a glow our split molecules will rise above the stars. By merging and joining they will become roots. No boundaries will separate us, we'll be everywhere, we will be together until the flower springs up. Since there, petal by petal, bud by bud, we will be reborn as exiles and travelers like an extraordinary bulb. -


Torneremo alla terra e come dal sogno ci desteremo, in un ciclo costante tra luce e ombra. In un bagliore le nostre molecole scisse, s'innalzeranno oltre le stelle. Fondendosi e aggregandosi si faranno radici. Nessun confine ci separerà, saremo ovunque, saremo insieme fin che il fiore germoglierà. E da lì che petalo dopo petalo, germoglio dopo germoglio, rinasceremo esuli e viaggiatori come bulbi straordinari.


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