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Micaela lattanzio potrait In her aesthetic and conceptual characteristics, Micaela Lattanzio outlines a unique linguistic voc

Micaela Lattanzio was born in Rome, where she currently lives and works. Through the medium of photography, the artist conducts a design research, reworking the image into a painterly element where two-dimensional matter finds its third dimension.
In her aesthetic and conceptual characteristics, Micaela Lattanzio outlines a unique linguistic vocabulary, deconstructing reality to explore a narrative dimension that goes beyond the surface, an investigation into the human being and the authenticity of their body, where form and concept merge into a work that no longer belongs to a unified center of social identification but is the principle of an infinite nuclear fission.

The artist's works are born from a meticulous ritual of cutting photographs and painting textures, which she herself creates and breaks down into fragments that are subsequently arranged following a new order. What she achieves is an intricate suspended mosaic through which she deconstructs the original image, creating new visions of the world, giving faces, bodies, and natural elements a visual logic that follows the creative patterns of nature.

The poetics of her work focus on the relationship and intrinsic bond between humans and nature. As happens in the relationship of Biophilia, humans are attracted to natural forms because they benefit from them at a psychophysical level, experiencing fascination. Those forms, even of an artificial nature, mimic the perfect patterns of nature. This is why her works contain references to fractal structures, natural mathematical patterns like the Fibonacci sequence, chemical compositions seen under the microscope, and mineral structures. With the help of photography, the artist transforms matter into what she herself defines as "molecular aggregates." Her work is based on the concept that all animate and inanimate matter is composed of cells and molecules, in this sense, there is no distinction between us and the whole, a reminder of how we are part of a complex system.

Site-specific interventions are an additional expressive dimension of the artist, where she amplifies the direct relationship with nature, as the location becomes not only a hosting subject but the very material of the artwork, where the installation merges with the landscape. 

Among her installation projects, the presence at Maam, Museo dell'Altro e dell'Altrove di Metropoliz stands out, as well as the Royal Caribbean collection, a public art intervention in the city of Poznan, Poland, and a work conceived for the cloister of San Domenico in Taranto.

Among the various exhibitions she has participated in, notable ones include: "Simboli di ferro" at Muspac in L'Aquila, "Donne di Colore" presented at the Torre dei Lambardi in Magione, "Confronti/Poredenja" at the Kinoteka Jugoslavenska in Belgrade, "Visioni di Gaia" at the Chiostro di San Francesco in Monsampolo, "When we dream We Are All Creators" at the Horti Sallustiani in Rome, "CHICAS*Chicas*chicas" at Galleria Elvira Moreno in Bogotá, "Corpus Imago" at Galleria Emmeotto, Palazzo Taverna, "Glocal Project" at Museo Marca in Catanzaro, and "Every Body Talks" at the Mattatoio in Rome. In 2014, she was the winner of the special Zingarelli jury prize titled "Silent Stories." The artist has exhibited her most recent works at

the Context Art Miami, Art Lima Peru, and Barcu Art Fair in Bogotá, Colombia. In October 2018, a work from the Fragmenta series was used as the cover of the book "Shame is an Ocean I Swim Across" by American singer- songwriter and poet Mary Lambert, published by MacMillan Publishers Ltd. In March 2019, Micaela Lattanzio exhibited a new body of work from the Fragmenta series in a solo show organized by the Ca' D'Oro Gallery in Chelsea, NY.



Solo show


  • Corpus Imago, EmmeOtto Arte, Palazzo Taverna,  curated by Alessia Carlino, Rome

  • Fragmenta/ A Journey Beyond The body, Cà D'Oro Gallery, New York


  • Fragmenta , Bi Box Art Space, Biella, curated by Irene Finiguerra

  • SandCloud site specific installation “6di Sabbia”, Spazio Y, Rome, curated by Alessia Carlino

  • Fragmenta_retrospezioni visuali, Ma’ Showroom gallery, Monteflaco (Pg), curated by Alessia Carlino


  • Where have the flower gone, site specific installation,MAAM, Rome, curated by Giorgio de Finis

  • Dimensioni parallele e vie di fuga, WM Weekend only contemporary art gallery, Rome, curated by Giorgio de Finis


  • Urban / Elsa Morante cultural centre, Rome


  • Dimensioni primarie, American Academy (CEA), Curated by Alicia Martinez, Madrid

Group exhibitions


  • Ex_Tra Project, Exhibition on the historic buildings of Rome, Gruppo Pouchain, curated by Chiara Nicolini, Rome

  • Summer Group Exhibition, Cà D'Oro Gallery , New York


  • Piecing It All Together, Paradigm Gallery, Philadelphia, curated by Natasha Guy

  • Art Fair Roma arte In nuvola, Galleria Emme8, Rome


  • Oltre I confini, Museo Marca, works in residence at Fondazione Rocco Guglielmo, Catanzaro

  • Barcù Art fair, Alfredo Ginocchio Gallery, Bogotà

  • CHICAS*Chicas*chicas, Elvira Moreno Gallery, curated by Franklin Aguirre, Bogotà

  • Summer Group Exhibition, Cà D'Oro Gallery , New York

  • Art New York Fair, Cà D'Oro Gallery, New York

  • Introspective Window, Emmeotto Arte, Palazzo Taverna, curated by Valentina Luzi, Rome

  • Art Lima, LGM Gallery, Lima


  • Zona Maco, virtual Exhibition, LGM Gallery Bogotà 

  • Wow-space/We Own the Wave, Video project exhibition, Maxxi Summer, Rome


  • Raid- Hotel Caselle, Bologna, curated by Fat Studio

  • The Art of The Party/ 1Hotel, Miami, curated by Gloria Porcella, Rochebobois

  • Context Art Miami, LGM Gallery and Elvira Moreno, Miami

  • Every Body Talks, Museo Mattatoio di Roma, curated by Master Marac, IULM, promoted Terzo Pilastro Foundation

  • Barcu Feria, LGM Gallery and Elvira Moreno, Bogotà

  • SandCloud/ Public Scape Taranto, Ex Convento di San Domenico, Taranto, curated by Eccom,

  • Bocche del Vento, promoted Con Il Sud Augeo

  • Summer Group Exhibition, Ca D'Oro Gallery New York, New York, curated by Gloria Porcella


  • Open Day, Dynamo Art Factory, Limestre

  • Raid, Istituto Sandro Pertini, Torino, curated by Fat Studio

  • 25/28, Glauco Cavaciuti Arte Contemporanea, Milano

  • Poredenja, Jugoslovenska Kinoteka, Belgrado, Curated by Alessia Carlino

  • Donne di colore, Torre dei Lambardi, Magione, curated by Giorgio De Finis

  • Art Market Hamptons, Bridghampton Museum, New York Galleria Ca' D'oro


  • Context Art Miami, Ca' D'oro Gallery, curated by Gloria Porcella

  • Grand Opening, Ca' D'oro Gallery, Miami, curated by Gloria Porcella

  • Any Given Book, White Noise gallery, Rome, curated by Eleonora Aloise and Carlo Maria Ghetti

  • Visioni di Gaia, Ex Cloister Saint Francis, Monsampaolo curated by Lucia Zappacosta

  • Prologue, Spazio MR, Rome, curated by Alessia Carlino

  • Crash Taste, Spazio MR, Rome, curated by Alessia Carlino and Il Sole 24 Ore Master

  • Incipit, Studio Evolve, Bologna, curated by Irene Finiguerra

  • Costellazioni, Setup Art fair, Bi Box Gallery Booth, Bologna Curated by Irene Finiguerra


  • When we dream We Are All Creators, SandCloud Installation, Horti sallustiani, Rome, curated by Diego -Buongiorno

  • No Parking, Ca' D'oro gallery NY and Wop Gallery, New York, Curated by Giuseppe Ruffo and Anna Di Falco

  • Insieme/Together MAAM artists, City Of Art, Pistoletto Foundantion, Biella, curated by Giorgio De Finis

  • Setup Art Fair, 3)5 Artecontemporanea Gallery booth, Curated by Ilde Cavaterra


  • Manualmente, site specific installation, villa Guglielmi, curated by Silvia Calvarese and Sandro Polo, Fiumicino.

  • Silenziosi Racconti, Rocca delle Macie art Zingarelli art prize, curated by Simona Gavioli, Castellina in Chianti

  • 10X10 artist, Bonte Zwan, curated by Edith Edith Brower, Amsterdam

  • Setup, Vulcano3)5 Artecontemporanea Gallery booth, Bologna curated by Ilde Mauri, Bologna

  • Il Museo sulla Luna, Interno 14, Roma curated by Giorgio De Finis


  • Re-birth day at MAAM, curated by Giorgio de Finis, Rome

  • Censured, Visiva, curated by Giorgio de Finis, Ilaria Caravaglio and Chirs Fuzzy, Rome

  • Presentation of  ARIA Magazine, Wunderkammern galley, curated by Giorgio de Finis, Rome

  • “10X10”, Atelier open, Amsterdam, curated by Edith Browe

  • The Icons, music legend, Artfactory Fair, curated by  Arionte, Catania

  • Disco Days, 10th edition of “music and records fair”, curated by  Arionte, Naples

  • Connessioni Liquide, MondrianSuite, curated by Raffaele Soligo, Rome


  • Mondi Lontanissimi/Fantafestival, Elsa Morante cultural space, curated by Pier Luigi Manieri and Raffaele Soligo, Rome


  • Babel, 999gallery, curated by Raffaele Soligo, Rome


  • Art Meeting, Vittoria theatre, curated by Angela Pasqua, Rome

  • Amodanea 2009, Museum centre, curated by Giandomenico Negroni, Macerata


  • “Impronta Globale”, ISA institute, curated by Daniele Arzenta and Giorgia Calò, Rome

  • Falce e Martello, i simboli di ferro, Muspac,L’Aquila Museum, curated by Giorgia Calò , L’Aquila

  • Scanning, Studio Soligo, Rome, curated by Stefano Elena


  • Farnesina ,installation, Sagome 547, curated by Domenico Giglio, Rome

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris, installation of Sagome 547, curated by Domenico Giglio


  • Arte Involontaria, La Porta Blu gallery, Rome, curated by Tiziana Musi


  • Contemporary Art, La Pigna Gallery, Rome


  • 2013-Winner at  Zingarelli prize, curated by Simona Gavioli

Artistic residences

  • 2019- Fondazione Rocco Guglielmo, Catanzaro

  • 2018 – Public Scape Taranto, Taranto

  • 2017- Dynamo Camp project, Limestre

  • 2013- Zingarelli Prize, Castellina in chianti


Special Project – Site specific installation (public commissions)

  • 6 installation for the Royal Caribbean contemporary art collection, curated by Peter&Millards Partners

  • Site specif installation in Poznan, Poland, curated by Galerie 208 (Paris)

Books Publications


Arte (Eventualmente) Femminile, Anna Maria Panzera, Veronica Montanino, publishing Bordeaux

Fragmenta: Book cover project , Cyber Sexy, Richa Kaul Padte, publishing Penguin House

Fragmenta personal Portrait: Book Cover Project, Shame is An Ocean I Swim Across, Mary Lamber, publishing Mac Millan

A Big Important Art Book ( For Woman) , Danielle Krysa, publishing Running Press



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©2019 by studio micaela lattanzio. 

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